Venturesome 2010

New Thing #55: Shooting Range

Posted in Uncategorized by kimwilcox on December 5, 2010

For years I’ve wanted my friend Seth to take me to a shooting range. We first started talking about going way back in college. We were finally able to make arrangements during Thanksgiving break. Seth and I hit up Wal-Mart for some ammo and soda cans (my targets) before heading out to Concordia.

Seth brough his Glock Model 22C, .40 cal. (I’m sure I messed that up) for us to use. Despite the pouring rain and several untouched soda cans, shooting the gun was a BLAST!  Not to brag or anything, but was told I’m a natural. This coming from a guy that sometimes trains new cops. I was very coachable, consistently hit the same spot and yeah…I basically just rock when it comes to shooting. (I may or may not remember his exact compliments/encouragements…it’s been a couple of weeks)  But he did strongly encouraged me to take this up as a new hobby. I’m just THAT good. So basically, you better watch out.

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